# Authoring Guidance

# Authoring an xAPI Profile in "Easy" Steps

In order to best prepare concepts in advance, a best practice is to begin with identifying the xAPI statements needed for the profile. One approach to determining that is thinking about which reports will be needed, and what other uses are planned for the data that will be collected. Then the design of a collection of statements and patterns can be established to best support those outputs.

Once the needed statements are identified (A, for ALL the statements), further define the specifics of those statements by identifying the parts that need to be templated, what if any determining properties would help process data faster for reporting and what patterns align with reporting, analysis or other needs (B, for BATCH processing preparation). From this, define concepts unique to the profile that both support the statements needed AND are specifically designed/engineered to further inform the aims of the profile through their reuse in other xAPI Profiles, therefore reuse in other xAPI applications (C, for CONCEPTS).

The above A-B-C gets you to the 1-2-3 of authoring the xAPI Profile on the xAPI Profile Server.

  1. First, add new and existing Concepts to the profile efficiently, correctly and confidently.
  2. Second, define the profile Statement Templates and Patterns and any Determining Properties using the Concepts.
  3. Publish!

# Implementation Notes

A good xAPI Profile begins and ends with good documentation. Good implementation notes must provide complete and actionable answers with helpful contextual information to best impact successful adoption.

While the following list is by no means exhaustive, it is representative of the level of detail implementation guidance must provide to implement xAPI most efficiently.

  1. What are the use cases driving the xAPI Profile?
  2. What version of xAPI is supported?
  3. What requirements need to be met for others to review and test, and to deliver the developed media?
  4. What conventions must be followed?
  5. What acronyms and terminology am I expected to know to read/follow the document?
  6. What automated or human actions are triggered by specific data elements?
  7. What patterns of xAPI statements are important to specific people or systems?
  8. How and where in the xAPI statement should competencies be expressed?
  9. What other specs, standards, published assertions and/or xAPI Profiles are referenced in a xAPI Profile?
  10. What is the scope and purpose of the profile? a. Is the profile going to define a small set of concepts used to define a domain? b. Is the profile going to be an all-encompassing domain model used to inform xAPI instrumentation of a learning record provider? c. How general or granular is the need being addressed? d. Are you defining rules for a mode or archetype for media (e.g. an xAPI Profile for mobile applications or general simulations)? e. Are you defining rules for a specific use case (e.g. an xAPI Profile for a specific professional accreditation program)?

An xAPI Profile may qualify as meeting a "Gold Standard" for xAPI Profiles if:

  1. The xAPI Profile can sufficiently answer the above questions, such that...
  2. The answers to the above questions can fully inform a complete set of documentation to construct a JSON-LD xAPI Profile document that expresses its intent, such that...
  3. At least three independent development efforts can produce components that generate xAPI data that can demonstrates a. Conformance to the xAPI Profile b. Semantically interoperable data generation and/or consumption

# Statement Templates

Statement templates provide a set of instructions for what data is required in an xAPI statement which describes a particular event. The group creating a profile should be writing corresponding documentation describing instructional design considerations and implementation decisions for each statement template. This is the documentation for the profile, beyond the json-ld stored in the profile server. The server links to this documentation at the profile level to describe the intent of each part of the profile and the intended use. In preparing a statement template, the first activity should be to research what is already defined as a concept on the xAPI Profile Server.

Consider the aforementioned reasons for a new xAPI Profile with the following example.

In this example, let's assume there is a need for an xAPI statement that expresses when a learner meets all the requirements to earn a software certification, but has not yet been conferred or awarded the certification. To look for a statement template that may meet the needs (see: [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Statement Templates > Add existing statement template]), one could search the server for a "Qualified" statement. Such a search could yield a result for a "Qualified" verb. As defined in the Master Object Model xAPI Profile, the .json-ld may look like this:

  "id": "https://w3id.org/xapi/tla#qualified",
  "type": "StatementTemplate",
  "prefLabel": {
    "en": "qualified"
  "definition": {
    "en": "Indicates the learner meets all the requirements for a badge, but hasn't been awarded the badge yet"
  "inScheme": "https://w3id.org/xapi/tla/v0.10",
  "verb": "https://w3id.org/xapi/tla/verbs/qualified",
  "rules": [
      "location": "$.result",
      "presence": "excluded"
      "location": "$.object.id",
      "presence": "included",
      "scopeNote": {
        "en": "This should point to a badge"
      "location": "$.object.definition.type",
      "presence": "included",
      "any": [
      "location": "$.context.extensions['https://w3id.org/xapi/tla/extensions/evidence']",
      "presence": "included",
      "scopeNote": {
        "en": "This should be a pointer to the xAPI statement(s) that resulted in this statement"

If this statement template could be used as-is in this example profile, it could be included as-is. The rules of the statement template in the above example can be understood as "A 'Qualified' xAPI statement is valid to this xAPI Profile if..."

  • It includes the determining property of "qualified" as the required verb in the statement
  • It doesn't have a Result object
  • It includes an object.id that should point to a badge
  • It includes an object.definition.type of "badge"
  • It includes a link to the "evidence" as a extension in the statement

Adopting this statement template as-is, the statements could never include a result object when statements use the 'qualified' verb and include the example profile ID. If there was a need for a Result object, the above statement template would not be appropriate and should not be used as-is from the source profile. This means a new statement template should be created instead of reusing a statement template above, which is owned by another profile (see: [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Statement Templates > Add rules]).

Note: When similar statement templates exist, but they are not suitable for use as they are written, they may be linked to the profile's statement template as a statement template reference. This allows people implementing the statement template a way to understand the similarities. This also helps with linking like statement templates together (see: [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Statement Templates > Create new statement template > Statement Template References]).

# Determining Properties

Determining properties are used to identify which statements will be validated, to which statement templates. This mapping is required because xAPI statements do not include statement template IDs. All selected determining properties must be included in an xAPI statement to be validated to the statement template.

Only one identifier may be selected for the following determining properties:

  • verb
  • objectActivityType

Multiple identifiers may be selected for the following determining properties:

  • contextCategoryActivityType
  • contextGroupingActivityType
  • contextOtherActivityType
  • contextParentActivityType
  • attachmentUsageType

A rule describes the data requirements for a statement to be conformant to the statement template. Rules have a huge amount of flexibility. In order to allow this flexibility to be used as the specification designed, rules must be written as json. Fortunately, the xAPI Profile Server has a wizard to produce the needed json. See [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Statement Templates > Add rules].

# Rules

There are two ways to set rules for a statement. One is through presence and the other through specifying values. Presence describes which locations in an xAPI statement are important to the statement. If the goal is to receive data in a specific location, but it is not important what data is to be in the location, "presence": "included" is the best way to do that.


Presence describes whether a specified location should be used to conform to this template.

  • included, the location must be present with a value in every statement to conform to this template
  • excluded, this location should not be in any statement to conform to this template
  • recommended, this location should be present, but it will not fail validation to this template if it is excluded

Example of Presence:

"rules": [
    "location": "context.contextActivities.grouping[*].id",
    "presence": "included"

In this example, a statement must include an ID for every activity in the context activities grouping array in order to conform to this statement template.

Specifying Values

If just saying whether or not a location should be in the statement is not enough, the following may be used to identify which data will allow a statement to validate to this template.

  • any, any of the values listed are allowed to be in the specified location in order for a statement to validate to a template. When any is used, a list of potential values must be included. A statement will validate to this template if at least one of the values listed is included in the specified location in the template.
  • all, all of the values in the specified location must be listed in the all array in order for a statement to validate to a template. When all is used, a list of values must be included. A statement will validate if ALL of those values are present in the statement.
  • none, none of the values listed are allowed to be in the specified location in order for a statement to validate to a template. When none is used, a list of potential values must be included. A statement will validate to this template if none of the values listed is included in the specified location in the template.

Example of using any:

"rules": [
    "location": "context.contextActivities.grouping[*].definition.type",
    "any": ["http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/attempt"]

In this example, a statement can use the activity type of "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/attempt" as the definition of type for context activities grouping as at least one of the provided definition types and the statement will conform to this statement template.

Once a rule is written into the xAPI Profile Server, the rule will be validated before it can be added to the statement template.

The following validation errors may present themselves:

  • Improper json
  • Unknown identifier
  • Conflict with determining properties
  • Value not allowed

Once a rule is successfully validated, it may be added to the statement template. As concepts are defined for use in determining properties and rules, they are added to the list of associated concepts. These associated concepts are intended to provide an overview of the vocabulary used in the statement template.

# Concepts

Concepts are building blocks for use and reuse across xAPI Profiles. In the case of Verbs, Activity Types, Attachment Usage Types, and Activities, the Concept is "the thing" you use within an xAPI Profile. In the case of Document Resources and Extensions, the Concept is essentially a variable or container to hold many different values of xAPI data. Concepts should be defined within an xAPI Profile. When a concept is defined by a profile, that profile is the owner of the concept and responsible for the concept's management (see: [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Concepts]).

Definitions for Activity, Activity Type, Attachment Usage Type, Document, Extension, Verb

A goal for xAPI Profiles is to avoid duplications of definitions. Reusing concepts from other profiles is highly recommended when appropriate. If a concept is not already defined on the profile server, that is when it should be defined within a new profile.

Patterns and templates provide the starting set of needed concepts to be included in the profile

In the aforementioned Statement Template example, the activity-type is https://w3id.org/xapi/tla/activity-types/badge. Activity-types must be defined in the xAPI Profile Server before they can be referenced in defining activities. For example, one could not define a specific badge that a learner could earn without first defining the Concept of the badge activity-type.

Regardless of the reason for creating a new xAPI Profile, to look for potential concepts already defined that may meet the needs (see: [xAPI Profile Server User Guide > Concepts > Reusing Concepts from Other Profiles]), one could search the server for a "badge."

# Patterns

Patterns describe requirements for grouping or substitution of other Patterns or Statement Templates. For example, a Pattern in a video Profile might start with a Statement about playing a video and then be followed by Statements about pausing, skipping, playing again, and so forth.

When adding patterns, much like Statement Templates and Concepts, the first step should be to reuse existing patterns from other profiles. One or more patterns may be selected via search and added to the profile. If no existing patterns match the profile's needs, a new pattern may be created.

Screenshot of adding a pattern

The first step in creating a new pattern is selecting the type of pattern. When considering the pattern type, it is important to know if this will be a primary or secondary pattern. Designating the pattern primary or secondary will be done on the next screen. The only time a pattern may be selected as a component of another pattern is when it is a secondary pattern.


Primary patterns define which combinations of statements have meaning to a profile. A primary pattern cannot be pulled into other patterns. Each statement received with this profile ID will be checked for conformance to this pattern.


Contains statement templates and secondary patterns. Statements received which contain this profile ID will not be checked for conformance to this pattern, unless it is pulled into the primary pattern for this profile.

The following pattern types are available:

  • Sequence - A list of statement templates or secondary patterns in a particular order. This will match if the identified components match in the order specified. This type allows selection of multiple components and ordering of them in a three-step process.
  • Alternates - A list of statement templates or secondary patterns. This will match if any component from the list matches. This type allows selection of multiple components, but not ordering because alternates are interchangeable with one another.
  • Optional - Identifies a single statement template or secondary pattern. This will match if the component is not present once or not at all. This type allows selection of a single component which is not required, but may be used once, for a pattern to be considered complete.
  • One or More - Identifies a single statement template or secondary pattern. This will match if the component is present one or more times. This type allows selection of a single component which must be used once and may be used more for a pattern to be considered complete.
  • Zero or More - Identifies a single statement template or secondary pattern. This will match if the component is not present or is present one or more times. This type allows selection of a single component which is not required, but may be used multiple times, for a pattern to be considered complete.

Patterns will likely be used to describe learning event "triggers" that would happen in domain-specific architectures, like the earning of a badge, or successfully meeting the requirements of a recertification. If an xAPI Profile is going to use patterns in this way, then one should employ, with care, how statement templates are defined as well as how pattern types will be utilized.

Patterns can be general or tightly scoped

Strictly controlling the series of statements required to trigger a response reduces the ability of any other statements to match a pattern thus causing an incorrect response to a series of statements.

Example: In the Video Profile, the matches against the all-activities-pattern any of the defined statement templates, whereas the general-pattern specifies that the first statement in a sequence of statements must match against the started template. The three defined patterns within the Video Profile are sufficient to match against any sequence of interactions a person can have with a video.