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ADL’s Competency Community kickoff

May 24, 2016 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Venue: Online

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Interested in contributing to the next big thing at ADL?

The learning community has witnessed several competency efforts over the years, including some with standardized representations of competencies and competency frameworks. However, the community is largely fragmented based on their individual competency model requirements and the technology they choose to implement. ADL is ready to engage the community as we begin to incorporate the work of the many experts and organizations already involved in competency-based education and training.

To start our competency efforts, we invite you to join us for the community launch of one of our first efforts, the Competency and Skills System (CASS) project.

About CASS

The CASS project is specifically focused on competency portability, competency reporting, and resource alignment. It will result in a unified approach to alignment for all competencies (no matter what structure they take).The goal of the CASS project is to research and develop an open source Competency and Skills System (CASS) that organizations and software applications can use to define, manage, and apply competencies and skills. The intended result is a critical piece of infrastructure that enables competencies, competency frameworks, and competency-based learner models to be managed and accessed as persistent objects that exist independently of a learning management system, course, training program, or credential.

Organizer: ADL