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Competency Technical Working Group Meeting – CASS Install Jam

August 9, 2016 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Venue: Online

This Competency Technical Working Group Meeting is focused on installing the Competency and Skills System (CASS) reference implementation.

Come to the session, learn and perform your own CASS installation & configuration while getting support from CASS experts!

If you would like to follow along and set up CASS you will need:

  • A system or virtual machine running Ubuntu “Trusty” 14.04 or 16.04.
  • (Optional) A domain name or DNS provider pointing at this machine.
  • (Optional) A desire to set up HTTPS. Note that the demonstration will be using for the sake of expedience. Letsencrypt requires the domain name be resolvable externally, so the system will need to have an external endpoint.

The Install Jam will begin with a walkthrough of setting up CASS, including hooking up a domain name and securing the server. From there, we will cover issues such as upgrades, deleting records, wiping the database, backup and restore, and then a Q&A session.

Please note, Competency Technical Working Group Meetings are geared towards software engineers, computer scientists, and other technical audiences. The subject matter is typically a deep dive into a complex technical subject. For high level information on these efforts, keep an eye out for our next Competencies and Credentialing CoP Webinar.

Organizer: ADL