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Competency Technical Working Group Meeting – CASS Assertion Processing

September 26, 2016 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Venue: Online

This Competency Technical Working Group Meeting is focused on the Competency and Skills System (CASS) assertion processing.

What is assertion processing?

For those familiar with the Experience API (xAPI), you know you can track granular information about a learner’s experience with content but:

  • How do you take that granular evidence and make an assertion about a learner’s competence?
  • What is the competency structure has many nodes?
  • How does this assertion “roll-up” to other nodes?

Please note, Competency Technical Working Group Meetings are geared towards software engineers, computer scientists, and other technical audiences. The subject matter is typically a deep dive into a complex technical subject. For high level information on these efforts, keep an eye out for our next Competencies and Credentialing CoP Webinar.

Organizer: ADL