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Competency and Credentialing Webinar

October 13, 2016 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Jonathan Poltrack, ADL Director of Operations, and Dr. Robby Robson, EduWorks Corporation CEO and Chief Scientist, will be speaking during a webinar sponsored by the Federal Government Distance Learning Association (FGDLA) and Elearning! and Government Elearning! Magazines on 13 October at 2:00 EDT.

Webinar Overview

Competency-based education gives learners flexibility in the learning content experienced, duration of these experiences, and the types of learning content preferred. As a result learners can take advantage of this flexibility to master content at their own pace. In addition, competencies can be obtained in different trajectories through learning content and curricula that may include traditional brick and mortar classes, formal e-learning, self-guided learning or testing out of a curriculum.

The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative started several competency and credentialing projects over the last two years. One of these, the Competency and Skills System (CASS) focuses on competency portability, competency reporting and resource alignment. Before CASS, the learning community contributed to several competency technology efforts including some with standardized representations of competencies and competency frameworks. However, the community is largely fragmented based on their individual competency model requirements and the technology they choose to implement. CASS is meant to serve as a reference implementation of middleware that harmonizes these different representations and approaches.

This webinar will cover:

  1. Overview of the ADL Initiative
  2. Brief introduction to several ADL competency and credentialing efforts,
  3. Detailed overview of the CASS project,
  4. Information on how to get involved with the ADL Competencies and Credentials Community of Practice.
  5. Question and answer period

Organizer: FGDLA

Presenter: Jonathan Poltrack and Dr. Robby Robson