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Event Notice

This event has changed to a virtual conference

NTTC conference artwork

NATO Training Technology Conference (NTTC)

NATO's Leading Learning Technology Event

June 2, 2020 - June 4, 2020

Virtual Conference

NTTC conference artwork

We are pleased to announce that the 2020 NATO Training Technology Conference (NTTC) will still take place 2-4 June 2020! Since the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted global travel for the foreseeable future, we decided to make this year’s NTTC a FREE online event.

The NATO Training Technology Conference continues to grow in importance, value and attendance year after year.

NTTC is for anyone involved in NATO training and education who is looking for new tools, technologies, strategies, and practices to enhance their knowledge, expertise, and capability with learning technologies.

Topics of Interest

  • Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality
  • Advanced Digital Learning
  • Micro Learning/Mobile Learning
  • Immersive Environments/Gamification
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Learning Analytics and Measurement
  • Modern Learning Environments and Innovation
  • Blended Learning