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Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium graphic of digital person

Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium

November 12, 2020 - November 19, 2020


Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education Symposium graphic of digital person

A public symposium, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, exploring ambitions for the future of undergraduate STEM education and identifying steps for achieving them.

The symposium will bring innovators from a diverse range of colleges and universities together with policymakers, funders, and representatives from associations and industry. Each day will include opportunities for participants to share their own ideas about the future of undergraduate STEM education.

With this broad range of stakeholders, the symposium will address how we can transform undergraduate STEM education to meet the needs of students, science, and society in the year 2040 and beyond. What are the systemic obstacles to these transformations and how can we overcome them?

Ideas generated at the symposium will be published and shared broadly after the event, to drive innovation in postsecondary STEM education and shape funding priorities for the National Science Foundation and other organizations.