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NDIA Human Systems artwork with soldiers and abstract video display

NDIA Human Systems Digital Experience

Maximizing Human Readiness

March 2, 2021 - March 30, 2021


NDIA Human Systems artwork with soldiers and abstract video display

The NDIA Human Systems Division is meticulously planning the 2021 Human Systems Digital Experience to be more flexible, engaging, and productive than ever before. Rather than being held over the course of a few consecutive days, this digital experience will feature a part-day webinar on every Tuesday in March 2021 for a total of five webinars. Each webinar will focus on a specific community of interest related to Maximizing Human Readiness throughout the U.S. military and national security enterprise by leveraging operational readiness and emerging capabilities. With representation ranging from active duty servicemembers to Senior Executive Service civilians, this digital experience is sure to connect the right people at the right time to address the best ways to prepare the human for any operational environment.

Webinar Topics (Subject to change)

  • March 2: COI Panel on Strategic Directions and Opportunities
  • March 9: Personalized Assessment, Education, and Training
  • March 16: Protection, Sustainment, and Warfighter Performance
  • March 23: Systems Interface and Cognitive Processing
  • March 30: Advocacy and Metrics