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Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK23) Conference

Toward Trustworthy Learning Analytics

March 13, 2023 - March 17, 2023

Arlington, Texas, USA

LAK23 Graphic Artwork

The theme for the 13th annual LAK conference is Toward Trustworthy Learning Analytics. The growth and development of the learning analytics field has been fuelled through increased access to data and the subsequent development of analytical models designed to predict outcomes, establish recommendations or bring novel insights into the learning process. Yet the implementation of learning analytics impinges on social and educational concerns such as privacy, fairness, and development of learner autonomy. The application of learning analytics must consider how developed models can lead to the reinforcement, identification or prevention of bias. Ongoing work into data and algorithmic transparency can help inform how end users interpret and enact LA information and recommendations. There is further work to be undertaken by researchers and practitioners to fully examine the impact of data and algorithms including: potential misuse and mis-interpretation; influence on society and education systems; ethics; privacy; transparency; and accountability to move toward a responsible education system that is established on a foundation of trust.

The LAK conference is intended for both researchers and practitioners. We invite both researchers and practitioners of learning analytics to join a proactive dialogue around the future of learning analytics and its practical adoption, to develop and transfer key knowledge to design, interpret and act on learning analytics results. We further extend our invite to educators, leaders, administrators, government and industry professionals interested in the field of learning analytics and its related disciplines.

Organizer: Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)