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2024 ADL Initiative I/ITSEC Special Events and Presentations

November 22, 2024

The ADL Initiative is excited to join the upcoming Interservice / Industry, Training, Simulation, and Instrumentation Conference (I/ITSEC) starting December 2nd in Orlando, Florida! A proud supporter of I/ITSEC, we value the conference’s impact in driving innovation and collaboration across training, simulation, and instrumentation fields.

This year, members of our team will present at six sessions designed to help distributed learning developers, learning engineers, and instructional designers optimize data-driven processes with a strategic data approach. Central to these sessions are ADL Initiative standards, essential to enterprise digital learning, which enable seamless interoperability and cohesive training solutions across the I/ITSEC community. This year’s sessions will include:

Implications of Artificial Intelligence for DoD Human Systems Training Applications Training Design Is a Whole New Ballgame

This Human Systems Community of Interest (HSCOI) event will bring together experts in AI, human factors, and training design and implementation for a discussion of how the challenges faced by training acquisition programs are changing with the maturation of AI, and how and where stakeholders and practitioners can incorporate understanding of those challenges and help manage their impacts on programs, learners, instructors, decision-makers, and stakeholders.

  • Panel Member: Brent Smith
  • Moderator Henry Phillips, Ph.D.
  • Date: Monday, 2 December
  • Time: 1415 – 1545 EST
  • Room Number: 320H

Behavior Envelopes for Defining Performance Metrics in Complex Scenarios (24368)

This paper explores the use case of multi-entity performance and decision evaluation in complex scenarios, through analysis of a corpus of non-deterministic, high iteration count synthetic, labeled semi-automated force (SAF) defensive counter-air (DCA) mission iterations. Specification of the context, expectations, and scoring/fit of the observed complex mission envelopes are used as the basis for specification and quantification of the achievement of multi-entity mission criteria. Behavior envelopes are proposed as a mechanism for helping to explain why complex missions in aviation succeed or fail.

  • Session: SIM 1: The Future of Modeling Human Elements in Simulation
  • Presenter: Henry Phillips, Ph.D.
  • Date: Tuesday, 3 December
  • Time: 1500 – 1530 EST
  • Room Number: 320B

Improving Training and Education Supply Chains by Harnessing Data Pipeline Observers (24359)

This paper documents the processes being used to create and maintain [x]BOMs to support DoD’s Enterprise Digital Learning Modernization (EDLM) Program. The [x]BOM serves as a comprehensive framework for the EDLM data services to connect, share, and interpret learner data being generated by DoD’s training and education community.

  • Session: PSMA 1: Streamlining Digital Asset Management
  • Presentor Brent Smith
  • Date: Wednesday, 4 December
  • Time: 0900 – 0930 EST
  • Room Number: 320G

Automated Radio Operator Utterance Recognition for U.S. Navy Training (24458)

This paper describes an effort conducted to apply speech recognition technology to enable automation of grading for speech-based training for Navy shipboard radio operators. This paper outlines the details of an approach for corpus generation, language model construction, and model validation. Results are presented achieving 97% recognition accuracy on validation corpora of 24,000 accurate and inaccurate utterances. Results suggest that a finely tuned and trained speech recognition and parsing model can work extremely well for the use case of supporting radio operator training.

  • Session: ED 1: BYTE Size Learning: AI in ED
  • Contributing Author Henry Phillips, Ph.D.
  • Date: Wednesday, 4 December
  • Time: 0930 – 1000 EST
  • Room Number: 320D

Toward a Cognitive Framework for Assessing Students and Adapting Interventions in Extended Reality (XR) (24373)

This paper proposes a framework for delivering effective instruction and assessing real-time learner performance in adaptive XR instruction. The paper argues that blended adaptive training—the integration of classroom instruction with adaptive technology-aided instruction—is the most practical and cost-effective approach to accelerate learning with XR. The paper offers an adaptive training intervention framework that aligns affordances, cognition, and instructional interventions to guide development and delivery of XR training.

  • Session: ED 3: Extending Realities in Education
  • Contributing Author Henry Phillips, Ph.D.
  • Date: Wednesday, 4 December
  • Time: 1430 – 1500 EST
  • Room Number: 320D

A Machine-readable Narratological Approach to the Design of Human Performance Descriptions for Synthetic Training Environments (24217)

This paper explores the application of proairetic narratological methodology to synthetic training scenarios, leveraging it to design machine-readable xAPI Profiles. The approach bridges the gap between non-technical experts and technical simulation developers by using narrative principles to structure learning activities as data. It involves a detailed breakdown of learning experiences and distinguishing generalizable from contextual activities, aiming to create consistent and scalable evaluations. The research emphasizes the transferability of skills to complex, unpredictable environments, aligning with xAPI’s data structure to reflect human language and storytelling.

  • Session: ECIT 11: Synthetic Data & AI Frameworks
  • Presenter Andy Johnson
  • Date: Thursday, 5 December
  • Time: 0900 – 0930 EST
  • Room Number: 320F

Where Else Can You Find the ADL Initiative?

This year, we have two team members serving on committees. You can find Lead Engineer, Florian Tolk, with the Serious Games Committee and our Program Manager, Henry Phillips, Ph.D., currently serving as a member of the Education Committee, and assuming deputy chair responsibilities for the Human Performance, Analysis & Engineering (HPAE) committee this year.


As the largest modeling, simulation, and training event, Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) brings together government agencies, armed services, industry, and academia from all around the world by providing paper presentations, tutorials, workshops, an exhibition hall, and other special events. This year’s event will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, from 2 – 6 December.

Learn more about the event and the presentations on the I/ITSEC website.