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F-15E Strike Eagle

At Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina, Air Force pilots at the 4th Operations Group (OG) are benefiting from the integration of the Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) into their training. xAPI is a data standard for tracking...

F-15E Strike Eagle

2021 Year in Review

ADL Logo with the words: Year In Review 2021

Resilience was the theme for 2021. Despite a host of pandemic-driven disruptions, the ADL Initiative was able to apply innovative technology-driven strategies across its portfolio of projects. The program’s researchers, project managers, outreach coordinators, and support staff matured elements of...

ADL Logo with the words: Year In Review 2021

Graphic with 3-d computerized person running

The 2021 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) brought over 13,000 people to the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. The world's largest modeling, simulation, and training event featured hundreds of technical papers, technology tutorials, expert panels, and...

Graphic with 3-d computerized person running

Graphic with NeNA logo and phone with NENA application training interface screenshot

The modernization of DoD’s digital learning environment features the use of technologies that allow on-demand education and training. One of these technologies is the PERvasive Learning Systems (PERLS), an open-source platform designed to optimize anytime/anywhere learning opportunities for mobile device...

Graphic with NeNA logo and phone with NENA application training interface screenshot

Graphic with 3-d computerized person running

With a theme of Innovating and Accelerating Training: Adapting to an Unexpected Future!, the I/ITSEC conference returns to Orlando on 29 November to 3 December 2021, and the ADL Initiative will participate in several ways. Program leadership and R&D team...

Graphic with 3-d computerized person running

Graphic with the words ECC and ELRR, each attached to a screenshot

An important component of the U.S. National Defense Strategy is the modernization of DoD’s education and training systems—through the development of new technologies, advances in learning science, and implementation of new policies and business practices. To lay the strategic foundation...

Graphic with the words ECC and ELRR, each attached to a screenshot

{ xAPI } graphic

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) professional standards association is on track to release the Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) version 2.0 as an international standard within the next six months. Recognizing xAPI as a global data standard...

{ xAPI } graphic

iFEST 2021 layered graphics artwork

iFEST 2021 focused on the growing imperative for education and training innovation, including data-centric reforms needed to create a DoD-wide interoperable learning environment. Over 525 participants joined the virtual discussion to learn from policymakers, senior military officials, and technology leaders...

iFEST 2021 layered graphics artwork

Graphic with the words cmi5 and xAPI

The cmi5 specification was created by the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC) and the Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative to provide an alternative to the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) set of specifications.

Graphic with the words cmi5 and xAPI

iFEST logo

iFEST 2021, the premier annual event for showcasing the latest distributed learning science and technology, will be held 31 August to 2 September 2021. In addition to deep-dive discussions with leaders from military agencies, industry, and academia, iFEST 2021 features...

iFEST logo

Graphic with Enterprise Learner Record Repository text and networked icons

The ADL Initiative is chairing the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) study group for Enterprise Learner Records. The new data standard, numbered IEEE P2997, will harmonize the structure of learner record metadata generated...

Graphic with Enterprise Learner Record Repository text and networked icons

close-up of catapult screenshot

The ADL Initiative, working with stakeholders from government, industry, and academia, has established a set of baseline requirements that will allow DoD e-learning content developers to design courses that are instrumented to collect greater amounts of learner performance data. These...

close-up of catapult screenshot


Contemporary digital learning technologies generate, store, and share terabytes of learner data—which must flow seamlessly and securely across systems. To enable interoperability and ensure systems can perform at-scale, the ADL Initiative is developing the Data and Training Analytics Simulated Input...


TLA four-pillar data strategy diagram

Across DoD and the broader education and training community, organizations use many different and often incompatible methods to publish and describe their courses, learning activities, and instructional resources. This results in hundreds of proprietary and unconnected catalog descriptions, causing a...

TLA four-pillar data strategy diagram

3-D artwork of human head and brain with light beams protruding outward

The ADL Initiative recently released a feature update for the Competency and Skills System (CaSS) application to better support competency authoring. The authoring tools use the new CaSS plug-in architecture to allow users to create, import, and edit competency frameworks....

3-D artwork of human head and brain with light beams protruding outward

DAU logo

Since its inception, DAU has expertly trained and certified government acquisition professionals, and recently has embarked on transformative changes to its learning infrastructure and data systems. In support of these modernization efforts, DAU and the ADL Initiative have partnered around...

DAU logo

ECC webinar screenshot of ECC web page and speaker

The ADL Initiative’s Enterprise Course Catalog project has completed its next iteration of requirements discovery and is moving toward prototype testing. The project will provide a globally searchable directory of DoD course listings by automatically pulling metadata from local catalogs...

ECC webinar screenshot of ECC web page and speaker

2020 Year in Review

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Across the world, 2020 was filled with unprecedented challenges, but from crisis came opportunities—opportunities to reinvent the reputation, agility, and purpose of distributed learning. Across the Department of Defense and beyond, organizations accelerated and expanded their efforts by orders of...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

PeBL logo

As the new Personalized eBooks for Learning (PeBL) platform grows in popularity, the ADL Initiative is taking steps to broaden its accessibility, functionality, and security for DoD uses.

PeBL logo

Marines using device in wooded area

This month, the Maturing ADL in Exercises (MADLx) project supported the Joint Headquarters exercise, conducted at the Ivan Cherniakhovskyi National Defence University of Ukraine. MADLx is using this exercise and others to validate digital learning tools and techniques, and the...

Marines using device in wooded area