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Allied Command Transformation became one of the ADL’s Partnership Centers in November 2010. This represents a collaborative effort between NATO and the ADL Partnership Centers, which are comprised of military, government, industry, and academic professionals who share a common interest in e-learning, and are committed to working with emerging technologies to develop, support, and deliver state-of-the-art online education. The partnership will enable the sharing of experiences in implementing innovative e-learning solutions as well as providing unique opportunities to learn about the latest research and events shaping e-learning.


The ACT Partnership Center’s mission is to assist NATO in developing its e-learning capability. This is being achieved by supporting NATO and partner nations in raising educational standards and supporting institutions in their transition to knowledge-based organizations. The ACT Partnership Center conducts applied research in the field of e-learning for the benefit of all. It also serves to raise awareness in the use of education and training technologies to support learning in its many forms.


Photo of Paul Thurkettle
Paul Thurkettle

Paul Thurkettle is a British NATO civilian working at one of the two NATO strategic commands, ACT based in Norfolk, Virginia.

His tenure with NATO since 1990, and 12 years of Royal Air Force service, have covered telecommunications, command and control systems, technology, and training.

Currently in his role as the lead for NATO in adopting technology for education and training, he is introducing e-learning into NATO, covering all aspects of this field from serious games to mobile learning (mlearning). Paul lives in Hampton, Virginia with his two children and boat collection.


7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100
Norfolk, VA 23551-2490

Tel: +1 757 747 3360

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Member Since 2010

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Partner Overview Slides