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New Zealand

Formed in 2014, the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) ADL Partnership Center is part of the New Zealand Defence College (NZDC) and is located at Devonport Naval Base, Auckland, New Zealand. The Partnership Center is a collective project between the ADL Initiative and the New Zealand Defence Force. Within NZDC, the unit goes by the name of Training Technology (TT). TT is responsible for creating multimedia content for training and investigating new technologies for delivering training. This involves creating e-learning and m-learning content, proofs-of-concept, and working with external controls and partner learning providers.


The NZDF ADL Partnership Center is tasked with testing, evaluating, and creating e-learning content for the NZDF. The Lab works with NZDF Training Providers in order to develop innovative ways of incorporating new technologies into training.


Photo of Martin Boult
Martin Boult

Martin Boult is the Manager of the Training Technology and the main point of contact for the NZDF ADL Partnership Center.

Mr. Boult leads innovation and development of online learning solutions for NZDF. He has spent 25 years as a lecturer/teacher in tertiary and secondary education, specializing in 3D design and sustainable design.

His research interests include andragogy, gamification, mobile learning, learning technologies, and New Social Literacies for Learning. He is currently pursuing Post-graduate education (e-Learning) at Massey University.


Visiting Address:
Training Technology (TT)
HMNZS PHILOMEL, Devonport Naval Base,
Auckland, New Zealand

Postal Address:
c/- Devonport Naval Base, Private Bag,
Auckland, New Zealand

Tel: DDI +64 (9) 445 5975 | DTelN (397) 7975
Mob: +64 021 653 099


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Member Since 2014

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