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Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Scientific Centre was established in 2017. The Centre is a structural unit of the National Defence University of Ukraine named for Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, the youngest general to serve in the Soviet Army. The purpose of the Advanced Digital Learning Scientific Centre is to implement the ADL technologies into the educational process of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The main activities of the Centre are:

  • Drafting legal acts on the ADL System of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • Developing unified requirements on curricula, programs, and standards of the ADL System of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, based on higher education standards;
  • Implementing scientific and methodic support for ADL System development;
  • Developing resources for ADL, taking into account the international standards;
  • Carrying out scientific research in the field of ADL;
  • Developing a methodic basis for organization and carrying out the educational process in the form of distance learning or through the using ADL technologies;
  • Participating in the creation of the Central Repository of Resources of the ADL System of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • Actively participating in activities concerning international cooperation in the field of ADL.

The main objective of the implementation and development of the ADL in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to create conditions for providing the high-quality modern educational services based on the information technologies and adherence to the main principles of ADL by all categories of users regardless of the place of service or work.

The target audience of the ADL System of the Armed Forces of Ukraine includes:

  • Service members preparing to participate in Joint Forces Operations, peacekeeping operations, international exercises and those preparing for the service in the joint headquarters;
  • Cadet military students of the various forms of study from higher military educational establishments during self-study time and optional study;
  • Students in professional development courses;
  • Scientific and educational staff from higher military educational establishments;
  • Civil servants from the state and executive bodies that deal with the issues concerning the national security and state defence;
  • Officers from the authoritative bodies and candidates for higher military educational establishments during the training courses and preliminary competitive selection;
  • Citizens of Ukraine, who study under the reserve officers’ training program;
  • Retired service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • Citizens of foreign countries under international agreements.

Col. Maksym Tyshchenko is the Head of the Advanced Digital Learning Scientific Centre. Col. Tyshchenko holds a Ph.D. in technical sciences.

NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP)
NATO Training Group Task Group on Individual Training & Education Development
Partnership for Peace Consortium Advanced Digital Learning Working Group

Povitroflotskyi avenue 28, Kyiv, 03049.
+38 (044)271 05 31

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Member Since 2019

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