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Utility and Applicability of the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) Within Navy Higher Education

2004; Kohistany, M. B.; Zacharopoulos, I.Z.

This thesis critically analyzes the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) within higher education and examines SCORM's limitations within a realistic application environment versus within a theoretical/conceptual platform. The thesis also examines environments better suited for implementation of SCORM technology. In addressing the research questions, it was discovered that from the current standards set forth by Advanced Digital Learning (ADL), SCORM is not well suited for higher education. SCORM technology will prove of greater utility within the Navy Training environment than in higher education. In their effort to share information, higher education institutions would benefit more from a Content Management System in conjunction with a Learning Management System. Subsequent chapters addressed the limitations of SCORM, provided a comparison of the applicability of SCORM within the separate domains of naval Education and Training, and provided a prototype of a Content Management System for institutions of higher learning.

DTIC: a424749