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Distributed Learning Gap Report

2017; ADL Publication; Johnson, Haag

The DoD faces a growing challenge to meet the breadth, depth, and tempo of its expanding education and training needs. While budgets are shrinking, the complexity of missions is increasing and demands on personnel are growing. Technologies - such as distributed learning capabilities - can help address these challenges, but the training, education, and operations communities must make informed decisions about which technologies to pursue and how to best implement them. The Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative was established to explore how Federal training and education programs and policies can better support flexible, lifelong learning through the use of technology. In 2016, the ADL Initiative conducted a requirements campaign to examine the status quo of distributed learning across the DoD and related Federal security agencies, pinpoint shared distributed learning gaps among stakeholders, and help guide future research and development investments (from ADL Initiative as well as other Federal agencies) to mitigate those gaps.