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Advanced Digital Learning Task 5(b) Cybersecurity Barriers to Distributed Learning Modernization Report

2018; Goodson, Kathy, Ph.D.

The Advanced Distributed Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative asked the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies (PIPS) to conduct a study to identify cybersecurity distributed learning (DL) modernization barriers to understand the potential implications of promulgating the DoDI on costs, implementation, consequences, and gaps, and to develop implementation recommendations. The Potomac Institute conducted research to identify, determine the implications of, and recommend solution approaches associated with related policies that may affect implementation of DL in accordance with the updated DoDI 1322 policies. As part of this task, the Potomac Institute interviewed government stakeholders to identify DL roadblocks created by cybersecurity policies and processes within different Services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force) and Organizations (Joint organizations/Joint Knowledge Online) are facing, and their approaches to addressing them.

Contract: W911QY-16-C-0008

DTIC: 1065959