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At the Tipping Point: Learning Science and Technology as Key Strategic Enablers for the Future of Defense and Security

2018; IITSEC; Raybourn, E.M.; Schatz, S., Ph.D.; Vogel-Walcutt, J.; Vierling, K.

According to former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, today's national security environment is "dramatically different - and more divergent and complex in the scope of its challenges - than the one we've been engaged with for the last 25 years, and it requires new ways of thinking and new ways of acting" (2016, emphasis is ours). These new ways cannot be achieved without significant changes to lifelong (or at least career-long) personnel development. This paper focuses on one aspect of that (r)evolution, i.e., specifically examining the challenges, goals, projects, and recommended actions related to the transformation of training and education in the defense and security sectors.

Citation: Raybourn, E., Schatz, S., Vierling, K., Vogel-Walcutt, J. (2017). At the tipping point: Learning science and technology as key strategic enablers for the future of defense and security [Paper presentation]. In Volume 2017 (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2017 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). Arlington, VA: National Training and Simulation Association.