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Enterprise Learner Record Repository (ELRR) Demo and Quarterly Review

August 25, 2021

Eric Flamer and Adjoa Adusei-Poku (Deloitte)

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Under the Enterprise Digital Learning Modernization (EDLM) initiative, the ADL Initiative is assigned to lead two projects intended to improve personnel access to learning opportunities across the DoD (the Enterprise Course Catalog, or ECC), and improve tracking and sharing of learner accomplishments (the Enterprise Learner Record Repository, or ELRR). These projects are designed to support requirements among military and civilian organizations throughout the DoD. To ensure their interoperability, the ECC and ELRR capabilities are being developed in collaboration with stakeholders within the Army, Navy, Air Force, the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) program, the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), and the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service (DCPAS).

This webinar features a demo and quarterly review of the ELRR as of August 2021.


The Enterprise Learner Record Repository contains data from various set of records, and can be used to follow a service member or DoD civilian throughout their career for career development.

Intended Audience

Both technical and nontechnical users are encouraged to view this demo. This demo will provide an overview of the ELRR capability allowing both technical and nontechnical teams to see how this capability can provide value to their organization. For technical teams, this demo will also provide a deep-dive and demonstration of the technical specifications.


If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact the Technical Webinar Coordinator, Liz Bradley, at

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