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An Overview of the DoD's DevSecOps Reference Design and its Intersection with the Learning Technology Warehouse

November 17, 2021

Jason Weiss (Chief Software Officer, DoD), Brent Smith (ADL Initiative, SETA Contractor), and Chad Udell (Float)

Webinar: DoD's DevSecOps Reference Design & its Intersection with the Learning Technology Warehouse

Description: This webinar will provide an overview of the DoD’s DevSecOps Reference Design (version 2.1) and its intersection with the DoD Learning Enclave. The DevSecOps Reference Design is published by the Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer to enable an automated set of tools, services, and standards to expedite software through the engineering processes required to enable continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) of software across the DoD.

The DoD Learning Enclave (DLE) enables an interconnected system of systems that work together to improve the efficiency for how we train and education our personnel. The DLE reduces the total cost of ownership through a validated DevSecOps pipeline that enables the continuous integration and continuous deployment of enterprise data management systems and the full range of tools, technologies, systems, and platforms used to support training and education. The Learning Technology Warehouse (LTW) includes a catalog of transition-ready products, platforms, and other software systems that are tested, accredited, containerized, and ready to be deployed by DoD organizations (i.e., deployed to the DLE for continuous CI/CD, On-Prem, or embedded).

Background: The rise of DevSecOps across the DoD has led to rapid demand for new tools to make the design, development, and deployment of software systems more efficient. The DoD’s Enterprise Digital Learning Modernization (EDLM) program is enabling a defense-wide, training and education software factory that aligns with the DoD’s DevSecOps Reference Design. Initially, this pipeline is being used to support the ADL Initiative’s portfolio of open-source research projects. The pipeline is configurable to support software products that are in different stages of development, as well as commercial tools, technologies, and platforms.

The Learning Technology Warehouse includes a product catalog for technical services and solutions that are certified for use in the DoD Learning Enclave or can be deployed on other DoD networks (through appropriate reciprocity agreements). The LTW includes basic product descriptions, links to demonstration systems, and detailed instructions for when DoD organizations want to deploy outside the DLE. LTW products will also be conformant with the required data interoperability requirements included in DoDI 1322.26. The LTW product catalog allow DoD users to evaluate, compare, and acquire different Learning Technologies based on their organizational needs which supports the Assisted Acquisition strategy that is part of the EDLM program.

About the Speakers

Jason Weiss, Chief Software Officer, DoD

Jason Weiss, Chief Software Officer, DoD
Jason Weiss has an exceptional background in software engineering, cryptology, and computer security dating back to his service in the US Navy as a cryptologist during the first Gulf War. He is the author of Java Cryptography Extensions, published by Morgan-Kaufmann, and co-author or contributor to several other books on distributed computing. He is the sole inventor of the patented Volume Mount Authentication endpoint security algorithm that was eventually integrated into Seagate’s DriveTrust technology, and co-inventor of the Cloud Connected Transponder. In 2000, the NSA recognized Jason as a talented security designer of critical infrastructure protection. He has lectured internationally, including presentations at SD West, Sybase TechWave, Rocky Mountain Java Symposium, AnDevCon (East & West), AWS Summit (Frankfurt, Germany), and various keynotes on NFC and RFID at events like the WIMA European NFC Developers Summit in Monaco. Jason holds a BS in Computer Science and an MA in Intelligence (Information Warfare).

Brent Smith, R&D Principal, ADL Initiative (SETA Contractor)

Brent Smith, R&D Principal, ADL Initiative (SETA Contractor)
Brent Smith is a Software Systems Architect with over 20 years of experience in designing and developing learning technologies for government stakeholders, defining R&D roadmaps to meet organizational objectives, and establishing chains of research that align with strategic goals. As the ADL Initiative R&D Principal, Mr. Smith helps ensure the ADL Initiative research agenda is aligned with its overall strategy.

Chad Udell, Managing Partner, Float

Chad Udell, Managing Partner, Float
Chad Udell is the Managing Partner, strategy and new product development, at Float. There he leads his design and development teams to successful outcomes and award-winning work via a strong background in both disciplines and a singular focus on quality. He has worked with industry-leading Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to design and develop experiences for 20 years. Chad is recognized as an expert in mobile design and development, and he speaks regularly at national and international events and conferences on related topics. Chad is author of Learning Everywhere: How Mobile Content Strategies Are Transforming Training and co-editor and chapter author, with Gary Woodill, of Mastering Mobile Learning: Tips and Techniques for Success. His newest book, Shock of the New, co-authored with Gary Woodil was released in April of 2019.

Intended Audience: Data engineers, Data Analysts, learning professionals, training specialists, and IT professionals involved in knowledge management, learning content and social learning; and executive decision-makers looking for microlearning and performance environment approaches that go beyond traditional training and tracking approaches.

Contact: If you have any questions about the webinar, please contact the technical webinar coordinator, Liz Bradley, at

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