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Standard for Learning Metadata

The IEEE standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM) is widely adopted, with the conceptual model being used extensively, including in each version of SCORM®. However, many of the terms (in particular, restricted taxonomies) have become outdated in the context of modern learning technology practices. In addition, learning content and activities have become separated in practice, and establishing learner context is much more possible. Since the release of LOM in 2002, other conceptual models of metadata have emerged and provide great value. The Standard for Learning Metadata Working Group was formed to help harmonize these models into a new IEEE metadata standard that builds on LOM, while allowing for 21st-century practices.

Date Started: September 2020

Meeting Schedule: Second Wednesday (official meeting) and fourth Wednesday (working meeting) of each month, 2:30 - 3:30 PM Eastern Time. For more information on how to join, see:

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