# TLA Maturity Levels

Figure 1 Figure 1. TLA Capability Maturity Model: The ADL Initiative's Capability Maturity Model (opens new window) (CMM) shown in Figure 1 provides a thorough description of maturity, based on the context of policies, instructional design processes, technology infrastructure, and governance of its adherence to the TLA's data interoperability standards. More importantly, the model can be used by an organization to quantify their current maturity and to highlight areas where improvement is needed to help guide future investments. The CMM allows for the gradual migration of legacy systems to a microservice-based infrastructure of core services that federate data across other technology components.

# TLA CMM Level 1

Figure 2

Figure 2. CMM Level 1: Organizations migrating towards TLA interoperability start at Level 1 by using learning activities that have been instrumented with the xAPI 2.0 standard. This level of maturity requires an organization to begin moving away from SCORM®-managed learning environments in favor of solutions where learner performance is stored within a centralized Learner Record Store (opens new window) (LRS). The LRS enables analytics that go beyond the statistics typically available within an LMS. ICAM is managed locally by connected systems and there is minimal ability to track learners across the different systems they interact with. Other learning activities may connect to the LRS

# TLA CMM Level 2

Figure 3 Figure 3. CMM Level 2: Federated Learner Record stores (LRSs) support the aggregation and analysis of learning data at the enterprise level. It may include numerous, interconnected LRS solutions that support the myriad of learning activities and platforms available in an organization. This requires enterprise level services and the adoption of governance procedures to standardize learner identity, data labeling, and data reporting to enable enterprise analytics. Level 2 introduces an enterprise approach to ICAM, which enables performance tracking for learners across numerous disparate systems. This level of maturity also introduces the concept of a course catalog for describing courses, activities, and other learning resources within the organization. Learner performance is tied to catalog descriptions using the TLA Master Object Model (MOM) (opens new window) and each activity's catalog identifier. A single organization may have multiple different course catalogs that are used (e.g., to support different types of learning). For example, an organization may have a course catalog that resides inside its LMS, a website with a listing of serious games, or a simulator system that includes a scenario library. Each catalog system at this level is disconnected from the other catalogs.

# TLA CMM Level 3

Figure 4 Figure 4. CMM Level 3: Adherence to the IEEE's P2881 Standard for Learning Metadata promotes data interoperability between disconnected catalog systems. The Activity and Resource Management (ARM) API is used to federate disconnected course catalogs into a single organizational course catalog. The ARM API enables Metadata aggregation services that automatically derive metadata attributes from other connected systems. This information is stored within a local Experience Index (XI), the server-side component of the P2881 data model. The Experience Index is designed to work with other TLA systems that require data about available learning activities within an organization. These range from automated instructor support tools and intelligent tutoring systems to adaptive career field management systems and recommenders. Another key differentiator this level of maturity includes is the alignment of learning resources to competencies and credentials. Each organization may have numerous competency registries that store definitions of competencies. Registries may or may not be connected to a Competency Management System (CMS). By adhereing to the TLA's IEEE standards (xAPI, P2881, P2997, and SCDs), local systems are able to connect to the larger DoD data fabric being operationalized through the Enterprise Digital Learning Modernization (EDLM) poprogram.

# TLA CMM Level 4

Figure 5 Figure 5. CMM Level 4: Competency-based learning is policy-driven and ubiquitous across the organization. A centralized learner profile aggregates individual learner records from all connected learning resources using the TLA MOM and the federated LRS structure. This approach preserves raw learner data at the local level (i.e., the evidentiary chain) while rolling up extrapolated learner data into the Transactional LRS. Learner performance is aligned to workplace (e.g., operational) competencies via a Competency Management System using the IEEE 1484.20.3 Standard for Sharable Competency Definitions. CMM Level 4 is characterized by the enterprise strategy for managing competencies that enables global competencies to be tailored to meet local contexts. Organizational credentials are aligned to the competencies they represent, and these are linked to the learner profile. Authoring and alignment between local definitions is required to ensure local tasks, conditions, and standards are encapsulated in the definitions of local competencies.

# TLA CMM Level 5

Figure 6 Figure 6. CMM Level 5: Learner data is used as a strategic resource throughout the organization. Learning and Development are integrated into all aspects of Human Capital Management. Employee growth is tracked, managed, and nurtured to meet the evolving needs of the organization. Enterprise learner records are tied to Human Resource, Talent Management, or other Manpower & Personnel systems to drive career management, workforce planning, and mission readiness. Competency management is tied to operational performance goals and key performance indicators in the workplace. Interconnected systems and interoperable data enable adaptive instructional systems and automation to improve the efficiency of how people learn. These levels represent the objective state of policy, technical specifications, and standards that will enable the future learning environment. The standards that comprise the TLA technical specification act as a “distributed ledger” for learner data that is globally discoverable and usable across the DoD enterprise.