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xAPI Profile Server screenshot

The ADL Initiative has completed an alpha version of its new xAPI Profile Server and plans to release a forthcoming beta version for user testing in the second quarter of 2021. This web-based application will support the authoring, management, and...

xAPI Profile Server screenshot

Conceptual ICAM diagram: identity management, credential management, access management

How many different usernames and passwords do you keep track of? Data-driven services like banking, social media, mobile apps, and online subscriptions have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Since the dawn of computing, our usernames have been our “identities,”...

Conceptual ICAM diagram: identity management, credential management, access management

vI/ITSEC Air Force Army Navy USMC Industry '20 artwork

This year’s Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), the world’s largest modeling, simulation, and training event, has switched to an online format. The virtual I/ITSEC, now called vIITSEC, will be held from 30 November to 04 December, with the...

vI/ITSEC Air Force Army Navy USMC Industry '20 artwork

iFEST Online graphic

The iFEST conference is an annual milestone for tracking the development of science, technologies, and policies for distributed learning. In 2020, amid a pandemic-driven global expansion of online collaboration, iFEST became an affirmation of the new distributed learning reality.

iFEST Online graphic

ADL Romania

The transformation toward digital education and training is a global phenomenon. In Eastern Europe this transformation is powered by a collaboration among multiple military, commercial, and academic organizations, with Romania among the leaders in the field. Since 2004, Romania has...

ADL Romania

Elearning! Media Group Top 100 graphic

The ADL Initiative is honored to be ranked among the top 25 organizations nationwide for excellence in learning development by eLearning Media Group for their annual Learning! 100 Awards. In the category of Innovation, the ADL Initiative was recognized for...

Elearning! Media Group Top 100 graphic

iFEST Online Conference graphic

Face-to-face meetings are hard to replace, but this year's iFEST online conference includes some special features to make it congenial, interactive, and productive.

iFEST Online Conference graphic

Person holding tablet, showing charts

The Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) is a learning technology specification that enables data encoding, transport, and exchange across a wide variety of activities, experiences, and devices. In other words, xAPI lets software applications capture and share (big) data on...

Person holding tablet, showing charts

Report cover artwork

The ADL Initiative has released a report detailing its progress in developing the Total Learning Architecture (TLA). The TLA is a collection of data standards, interoperability specifications, IT architectural schemes, and policies that are collectively designed to enable federated digital...

Report cover artwork

Report cover page artwork

The ADL Initiative has released a new research-based model to help organizations evaluate and modernize their distributed learning systems. The Distributed Learning Capability Maturity Model (DL-CMM) is, essentially, a rubric that organizations can use for self-assessment and to inform their...

Report cover page artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

For the last five years, the ADL Initiative has worked toward the vision of a “learning environment”—an interconnected continuum of lifelong learning enabled by interoperable education and training technologies. Our Total Learning Architecture (TLA) project focuses on building that IT...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Two people reviewing a laptop screen

This week, the ADL Initiative delivered an interactive e-book version of the recently released Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 7, Learning to the Commanding General of USMC Training and Education Command (TECOM). The ADL Initiative, with support from Eduworks Corp.,...

Two people reviewing a laptop screen

Defense Health Agency logo

On October 1, 2019, the Defense Health Agency (DHA) assumed administrative and managerial responsibility from the Army, Navy, and Air Force for all military hospitals and clinics in the United States, as directed under the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act....

Defense Health Agency logo

flash logo

Adobe Flash, the software that has allowed millions of users to create and play Internet animations since the late 1990s, is undergoing an industry-wide retirement (or “deprecation”) and will be removed from all major browsers by the end of 2020....

flash logo

Marines looking at PeBL eBook

Digitized textbooks have been around for over 20 years. They gained prominence after 1998, when the first dedicated eBook readers were introduced and the first eBook ISBN was assigned. In classrooms and worksites worldwide, eBooks have become a popular medium...

Marines looking at PeBL eBook

2019 Year In Review

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

The ADL Initiative made significant strides in 2019 along its three main lines of effort: modernization, policy guidance, and cross-coordination. The year’s efforts included increased collaboration with both domestic and international partners, the maturation of concepts devised and researched in...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

TLA Sandbox Figure

In 2019, the ADL Initiative established a TLA Sandbox project in collaboration with the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) USALearning to accommodate technical experimentation with the 2019 TLA Reference Implementation.

TLA Sandbox Figure

Participants at the Global Partnership Network meeting

The ADL Initiative supported the Interservice / Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) on 1-5 December in Orlando. This annual event attracted over 17,000 professionals, including military and industry leaders, domestic and international partners, support staff, and other stakeholders....

Participants at the Global Partnership Network meeting

photo of I/ITSEC 2019's TLA Working Group

The ADL Initiative’s Total Learning Architecture (TLA) Working Group held its first face-to-face meeting during the Interservice / Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) on 2 December 2019. This Working Group launched in the summer of 2019 with TLA...

photo of I/ITSEC 2019's TLA Working Group

photo of iFEST 2019

The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), in collaboration with the Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative, hosted iFEST 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center (Alexandria, Virginia, USA) 26-28 August 2019. Over 350 attendees from the military, government, industry, and...

photo of iFEST 2019