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ADL xAPI RMF Accreditation Project (xRAP) Final Project Report / Test Results

2021; USALearning Vendor Team

xAPI is an e-learning software specification that defines a common data format and interoperable communications protocol to track and access data about learning experiences.

xAPI Version 1.0.3 is the current stable version. It was released in September 2016 and has since gained adoption in government, industry and academia. In 2018, members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) formed a working group to standardize the xAPI specification. The IEEE standardization process includes additional rigor and distinctive stakeholders that better ensure a generally applicable technology standard.

At the time this report was written, IEEE 9274.1.1 (xAPI 2.0) was in final draft form, nearing completion of the IEEE standardization process. Many of the changes in the IEEE draft standard are additive. While they add new features that do not change existing ones, there are several changes and clarifications to existing recommendations that affect xAPI developers.

This report describes each change from xAPI Version 1.0.3 to IEEE 9274.1.1 and its associated impact on developers of Learning Record Stores (LRS) and xAPI-enabled clients (e.g., e-learning content). The goal of this report is to ease the migration of xAPI-enabled products to conform to the new draft standard.

The remainder of this paper is focused on technical stakeholders that build LRSs, xAPI authoring tools, and xAPI content.

Contract: IDIQ #POM2615D0001 TO #6010-01

DTIC: AD1147698

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