Distributed Learning Glossary
- cmi5
- The cmi5 specification is designed as a replacement for SCORM® to secure plug-and-play interoperability between learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS). It defines how learning courses are packaged, imported, launched, authenticated, and reported, and helps simplify the use of xAPI in the context of an LMS. The cmi5 specification has many elements of an xAPI Profile.
- source: cmi5 Documentation
- Competency Framework
- A resource that identifies a collection of logically related competencies and how they are associated, related, and contextualized. A Competency Framework is often under ownership by a DoD Component and, therefore, takes on the context of that DoD Component.
- source: Cass
- Conformance Testing
- Conformance testing, also known as compliance testing or type testing, is an element of conformity assessment that determines whether a process, product, or service complies with the requirements of a specification, technical standard, contract, or regulation.
- source: Comformance Testing Wiki
- Course
- A collection of assignable units of learning content in a logical grouping. A course is typically an internal data structure. Courses are often assigned to learners and tracked by the LMS. A course can be represented by an external format and/or allocate all resources or links to resources in a course package.
- source: ECC
- DataSim
- An open source xAPI data simulator that ingests xAPI profiles and simulates xAPI statements at scale. Used to validate xAPI profiles.
- source: DataSim
- DevSecOps is the practice of integrating security testing at every stage of the software development process. It includes tools and processes that encourage collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operation teams to build software that is both efficient and secure. DevSecOps brings cultural transformation that makes security a shared responsibility for everyone who is building the software.
- source: Devsecops AWS
- Distributed Learning (DL)
- Distributed Learning refers to learning content and systems, mediated with technology, that are accessed through a network or experienced via portable media. DL leverages the power of computers, information, and communication technologies through the use of common standards in order to provide learning that can be tailored to individual needs and delivered anytime-anywhere.
- source: DODI 1322.26
- Enterprise Course Catalog (ECC)
- The ECC enables a DoD wide inventory of learning resources available across the DoD. The ECC links to local repositories (e.g., local course catalogs, scenario libraries, content management systems) to automatically ingest metadata to enable a global search and discovery capability.
- source: ECC
- EDLM Portal
- The EDLM Global Portal serves as the front end to EDLM Systems such as ELRR, ECC, ECCR, the Linked Data and Schema Server, and other EDLM Data Services. This portal shall also link to an EDLM service portal that includes help desk, technical support, and other services that are specific to each EDLM / DLE application and for key EDLM functions.
- source: EDLM
- Enterprise Learner Record Repository (ELRR)
- The ELRR is a federated data catalog that stores lifelong learner records. Each record includes pointers to the evidentiary chain of learner performance, metadata descriptions about the systems generating each record, and descriptions of competencies and credentials conferred to each learner.
- source: ELRR
- Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI)
- The Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) is an e-learning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to speak to each other in a manner that records and tracks all types of learning experiences. The specification defines how xAPI data is formed, communicated and stored.
- source: xAPI
- Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
- A Learning Content Management System is a learning management system with additional authoring capabilities that integrates into the overall platform functionality and often includes a content repository.
- source: LCMS
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- A Learning Management System is a software application used to administer, document, track, report, and deliver learning courses, training curricula, and learning or development programs.
- source: LMS Wiki
- Learning Record
- An account of a learning experience that is formatted according to the rules of xAPI. A Learning Record takes on many forms, including Statements, documents, and their parts. This definition is intended to be all-inclusive.
- source: ELRR
- Learning Record Store (LRS)
- A Learning Record Store (LRS) is a data store system that serves as a repository for learning records collected from connected systems where learning activities are conducted. It is an essential component in the process flow for using the Experience API (xAPI) standard by ADL.
- source: LRS Wiki
- Metadata
- Metadata, in the context of DL, provides descriptive information about learning content and activities (i.e., author, file size, subject, title, and duration). Many types of metadata exist, including descriptive metadata, structural metadata, administrative metadata, reference metadata and statistical metadata.
- source: Metadata
- Moodle Learning Management System (LMS)
- Moodle is a free, online LMS that enables DoD organizations to create their own private website filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere. ADL Initiative is extending Moodle to become a TLA gold standard exemplar for generating TLA conformant learner data. Continuous improvements will be made to keep improving Moodle data quality.
- source: Moodle
- Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
- Personal Identifiable Information is a representation of information in which the identity of an individual to whom the information applies can be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means (e.g., name, address, social security number).
- source: Guidance for PII
- Sequencing
- Sequencing is a component of the instructional design process that specifies the order and organization of learning activities that may affect the way information is processed and retained.
- source: Scorm
- Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®)
- Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®) is a collection of interrelated technical specifications and guidelines designed to create interoperable learning content. SCORM provides the ability to record a learner’s course progress, scores, and sequence instructional lessons.
- source: Scorm
- SQL Learner Record Store (LRS)
- The SQL LRS is responsible for receiving, storing, and providing access to learner records. The TLA federates the LRS into a noisy LRS that collects raw learner records from a connected activity. The transactional LRS collects a rollup of learner performance using the TLA Master Object model. The authoritative LRS stores validated competency assertions that support credentialing. LRS Pipe is used to route xAPI statements based on xAPI profiles.
- source: SQL LRS
- xAPI Profile / xAPI Profile Specification
- An xAPI Profile is a set of rules, shared vocabularies, data patterns, contexts, and extensions to implement xAPI for a specific domain or media type. The xAPI rules and structures that all xAPI Profiles must follow are defined in the xAPI Profile Specification.
- source: xAPI Profiles Github