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Learning! 100 by Elearning! Media Group

The ADL Initiative placed #30 of the top 50 private and public sector organizations in the Elearning! Media Group’s 2019 Learning! 100 Awards Competition— the ninth consecutive win for the ADL Initiative. The ADL Learning Technology Warehouse was selected for...

Learning! 100 by Elearning! Media Group

Meeting participants

On 28-29 August, the ADL Initiative chaired the bi-annual Defense ADL Advisory Committee meeting. Among the topics discussed were multinational ADL coordination and DoDI 1322.26 Fungible Reference proposed updates.

Meeting participants

pi participants

At the beginning of April, the ADL Initiative hosted its annual Principal Investigator meeting to provide a more holistic view of its current and forthcoming science and technology projects, exchange information, and identify collaboration opportunities. With over 30 organizations in...

pi participants

flash logo

The Department of Defense (DoD) uses Adobe Flash in thousands of its e-learning courses—but that’s about to change. In 2020, Adobe will sunset this product in response to growing criticism of its security flaws. Apple ended Adobe Flash support in...

flash logo

Modernizing Learning Book Cover

A new book exploring the future learning environment The ADL Initiative recently released Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning environment. This open-access publication examines the shift needed to our systems and society to enable lifelong, experiential, interconnected learning journeys. The...

Modernizing Learning Book Cover

NPS logo

In November, Drs. Sae Schatz and J.J. Vogel-Walcutt addressed Navy Post Graduate School students, faculty, and staff at the Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) Forum on the importance of developing a learning architecture. Dr. Vogel-Walcutt stressed the importance of efficiency...

NPS logo

IITSEC display at convention center

The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) officially kicked-off on 27 November, with its 2018 theme: “Launching Innovation in Learning:  Ready, Set, Disrupt.” As the name implies, this year’s event witnessed a notable shift from previous years, with more...

IITSEC display at convention center

Participants interacting with laptops

The Special Warfare Education Group (Airborne) (SWEG(A)) hosted the ADL Initiative’s 2018 Total Learning Architecture (TLA) Test and Demonstration event at their facility in Fort Bragg, NC, 14–17 August 2018. This event marked the second empirical trial of a TLA...

Participants interacting with laptops

iFEST logo

Over 280 attendees, from the public and private sectors, participated in the three-day Federal e-Learning Science and Technology symposium focused on innovation, instruction and implementation (iFEST) this 27-29 August in Alexandria, Virginia. Headlining the program were C. Fred Drummond, Deputy...

iFEST logo

2018 Learning Award

The eighth annual eLearning 100 Awards ceremony honors top global learning organizations for innovation, collaboration, and performance. 40 public-sector and 60 private-sector organizations are chosen based on three factors: Collaborative Strategies' Collaboration Index, Darden School's Learning Culture Index, and overall...

2018 Learning Award

National Park Service logo

Speakers: NPS Workforce Learning and Development- Common Learning Portal Team: Dale Carpenter (Program Manager), Ryan Jennings (IT Web Products Manager), Rebecca Wyatt (Production Manager/Trainer), Molly Russell (Learning Communities Manager) Webinar: US National Park Service (NPS) Common Learning Portal event What...

National Park Service logo

iFEST 2019

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Date 8/26/2019 - 8/28/2019 Location Alexandria Hilton Mark Center 5000 Seminary Road Alexandria, Virginia 22311 Tel: 703-845-1010 Theme The National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA), in collaboration with the Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative, is excited to announce iFEST 2019...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Event Passed iFEST 2018 and the accompanying Hackathon happened August 26 – August 29, 2018. Stay tuned for the iFEST 2019 save the date. In the meantime, check out the presentations, photos, and other materials from the event below. Visit...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting 3-4 April 2018 Alexandria, VA The ADL Initiative hosted its annual Principal Investigator Meeting comprised of 70+ participants, including Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) project performers and relevant government stakeholders. The event was a unique opportunity for...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

In one of the first examples of its kind, VIKING 18 exercise organizers have built Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) capabilities into a largescale, multinational collective training event. VIKING 18 is a 10-day civil-military exercise, held April 2018 in Sweden, and...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting | 3-4 April 2018 | Alexandria, VA The ADL Initiative will host its annual Principal Investigator (PI) meeting for its R&D performers and interested government stakeholders. Over two days, PIs will provide overviews of their respective...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

The Personalized eBook for Learning (PeBL) project is a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) contract aimed at advancing one of our top-level goals: Distributed Learning (DL) Modernization. The PeBL ebook is a research and development (R&D) reference implementation or “example” that...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

The end of the year is a time to reflect on achievements and to set new goals for the coming year. The ADL Initiative has many reasons to celebrate its 2017 accomplishments and to expect ongoing success in 2018. 2017...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

Welcome Sweden!

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

In November 2017, the ADL Initiative welcomed the Swedish Partnership Center as the newest member of the ADL Global Partnership Network. Senior leaders from the US Department of Defense and the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) conducted a signing ceremony at...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

ADL Initiative News Article artwork

During the past year, the Advanced Digital Learning (ADL) Initiative accelerated research and development efforts related to Experience API (xAPI) conformance requirements and certification. The xAPI community was engaged in the research effort, and as a result it led to...

ADL Initiative News Article artwork