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ADL Initiative R&D Foundational Projects

For over a decade, the ADL Initiative has been at the forefront of exploring how to optimize learning through R&D efforts grounded in developing technologies to empower the warfighter. The following projects reflect key areas of research that the ADL Initiative has undertaken which have culminated into the groundbreaking work of the future learning environment and DoD Learning Enclave.

Legacy Efforts

The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®) was created in 2000 by the ADL Initiative to address e-learning interoperability, reusability, and durability challenges. The ADL Initiative designed SCORM to leverage standard web technologies as well as emerging learning technology specifications. SCORM is now considered a legacy collection of specifications and standards that enables self-paced, asynchronous distributed learning that is delivered through a web browser. While outdated, many standards within SCORM were recently renewed by the IEEE in order to maintain SCORM as a standard.
Learn more at: Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM®)

Learning Data Measurement, Handling, Analysis, and Visualization

Improved measurement, storage, analysis, and remediation of learner performance is the lynchpin to the ADL Initiative’s future learning vision. The following ADL Initiative projects have laid the groundwork to provide for safe management, testing, and reporting of data to facilitate interoperability ad analytics to enable customized and responsive education and training opportunities. Data-driven learning enables real-time adaptations and will enable organizational adaptability at higher levels.

Learning Technology Applications and Platforms

The ADL Initiative’s R&D projects have explored ways to improve learning through a student-driven approach. This entails leveraging data and technology to provide personalized learning experiences based on learner needs, skills, and performance.

Learning Science

Effective application of learning science can enhance all aspects of the previously outlined vision, and to be clear, the use of iterative, evidence-based learning science methodologies is a critical enabler of those elements.


The ADL Initiative provides policy support surrounding the DoD Instruction 1322.26, identifies unifying needs and strategies across the distributed learning community, and creates best practices for other agencies to follow.